Why are you feeling depressed? What causes your depression?
There is no single cause of depression but rather, a combination of many factors - genetic, biochemical, environmental and psychological.
Depression may run in families - meaning it can be hereditary. Some people may inherit genes that make them susceptible to depression. The genes do not cause the depression but increase the risk when certain psychological and social factors come into play at the same time. The genetic tendency to depression can be triggered by some stressful life experience.
Studies indicate that depression may be caused by chemical imbalance in the brain. The human brain operates on fluids called neurotransmitters, some give energy (adrenalin) and some control body movements. The neurotransmitters associated with depression is called Serotonin which regulates mood, sleep, appetite, alertness among others. When a person is overly stressed for a period of time, the brain uses Serotonin faster than it can create and when the level of Serotonin drops, you become depressed. Other studies indicates that depression can also be caused by elevated stress hormone called Cortisol, and by other biological contributors.
These genetic and biological causes do play certain roles in depression but social and psychological factors have more enormous impact. The causes and risk factors for depression may include:
Stressful life experiences like sudden severe loss (of a loved one, job, friendship).
Marital or relationship problems
Financial problems
Health problems or chronic pain
Childhood trauma or abuse
Alcohol or drug abuse (including prescription medications)
Intense physical or mental trauma
Failing at some important task
Knowing and understanding the underlying cause (or causes) of your depression can help in overcoming the disorder. If your depression is caused by loneliness, you can socialize more - go out with friends. If it is your job that is depressing you, change to a more satisfying career. You can remedy your depression by changing your situation!
Causes of Depression and Risk Factors Article Source
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